UKKA Chairman and LKS Shidosha Liam O'Brien Sensei, Kyoshi 7 dan, passed away on 29 August 2015.
On the weekend of 20-21 February 2016, a Memorial Tsuito-Shakai and Taikai was held at the Lilleshall National Sports Centre with 65 participants from the UK and Europe.
Sensei's daughter, Julie O'Brien, was our guest with her partner. She received from Ray Dolphin Sensei, new Chairman of UKKA, the 8 dan certificate posthumously awarded to O'Brien Sensei by the ANKF in recognition for his contribution to the development of Kyudo outside Japan. Julie made a generous gift of two Taikai cups: one to be kept by the winner of the Taikai held on 21 Feb 2016, who is Tommy Radesåter of the Swedish Kyudo Federation; the other to become the First Place trophy in the UKKA Annual Taikai.
Thanks to all those who came to share with us this time of commemoration.